在国内外期刊上发表论文120余篇,代表作在JGR、GR、Tectonophysics, JSG等知名期刊,其中在Gondwana Research上发表的有关哥伦比亚超大陆的文章被2015年ESI国际学术评估机构评为高被引论文,该成果被中国地质大学(北京)的博物馆收录并长期陈列,并被《中国国家地理》杂志科普介绍。另外在科学出版社出版6部专著,例如:《华北基性岩墙群》、《渤海湾盆地地球动力学》、《裂缝地质建模及力学机制》、《裂谷盆地动力学》等。
(1) Hou, Guiting, Kusky, T.M., Wang, CC, Wang, YX. 2010. Mechanics of the giant radiating Mackenzie dyke swarm: A paleostress field modeling. Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 115, 2402.
(2) Hou, Guiting, Santosh,M., Qian,X.L., Lister,G., Li,J.H. 2008. Configuration of the Late Paleoproterozoic supercontinent Columbia: insights from radiating mafic dyke swarms. Gondwana Research 14, 395-409.
(3) Hou, Guiting, Santosh,M., Qian,X.L., Lister,G., Li,J.H. 2008. Tectonic constraints on the 1.3 ~ 1.2 Ga final breakup of the Columbia supercontinent from a giant radiating dyke swarm. Gondwana Research 14, 561-566.
(4) Hou, Guiting, Li,J.H, Yang,M.H.,Yao,W.H., Wang,C.C.,Wang,Y.X.,2008. Geochemical constraints on the tectonic environment of the Late Paleoproterozoic mafic dyke swarms in the North China Craton. Gondwana Research 13,103-116.
(5) Hou, Guiting, Wang, Chuancheng, Li, Jianghai, Qian, Xianglin. 2006. The Paleoproterozoic extension and reconstruction of ~1.8 Ga stressfiled of the North China Craton. Tectonophysics 422, 89-98.
(6) Ju, Wei, Hou, Guiting*, Zhang, B.,2014. Insights into the damage zones in fault-bend folds from geomechanicalmodels and field data. Tectonophysics 610,182–194.
(7) Li, Jie, Hou, Guiting*, 2019. Stress development in heterogeneous lithosphere: insights into earthquake initiation in the Tan-Lu Fault Zone. Tectonophysics, 750: 329-343.
(8) Zhang, Hao., Liu, Y., Yang, L.H., Hou, Guiting*, Shao, B., Xia, J.K., Zhong, Z.Q., 2021. Numerical modelling of porphyroclast rotation in the brittle-viscous transition zone. Journal of Structural Geology 148, 104357.
(9) Zhang, Hao, Hou, Guiting*, Zhang, Bo*, Tian, Wei, 2022. Kinematics, temperature and geochronology of the Qingyi ductile shear zone: Tectonic implications for late Neoarchean microblock amalgamation in the Western Shandong Province, North China craton. Journal of Structural Geology 161, 104645.
(10) Sun, Shuai, Hou, Guiting*, 2018. Fracture zones constrained by neutral surfaces in a fault-related fold: Insights from the Kelasu tectonic zone, Kuqa Depression. Journal of Structural Geology, 104: 112-124.